Heard of this before?

Actually, I hadn't either until earlier this afternoon when I unpacked it from our man boxes at work. The more I find out about it and the organization I'm suprised and amazed at why/how our shop got it. I think it's pretty sweet though.
They are a non-for-profit organization called the
Yellow Bird Project, working with rock indie bands to raise money for various charities, like the Elliott Smith Memorial fund, AIDS charities, and also design some fab tee-shirts and other cool little items. Bands include The National, Bon Iver, The Shins (!!!), Iron And Wine and The Stars, just to name a few.I think I'll buy the colouring book.. and will be very tempted to colour it in myself.
Just look at some of the pages!

It's the only way to bring up some rad kids.
excuse me while i just nerd out..